Top 6 Reasons You Should Shop Small

We’ve all heard “Shop Small” or “Shop Local”. Do you know why? Do you know what shopping with small businesses and shopping local actually does? Let me break it down for you.

#1. Not Just a Number

When you shop small you aren’t just a number to the store, you are a person. Every item purchased through a small business matters. Every dollar that comes in makes a difference. Leah Philhower, owner of Sweet Southern Beauty says “Every single order that comes in, I do a happy dance. It helps me contribute to the family financially when I’m physically unable to work. It gives me a purpose and a feeling of fulfillment”. Leah loves to shop small because she knows she isn’t just a number, her dollar matters in the life of a small business owner.

#2. Supporting Families

When you shop small, you are helping pay for groceries, car payments, (in my case, braces for my son), not yachts or mansions for owners of big box stores. Melissa Altman, Skin Care Entrepreneur, has 2 senior dogs. Before Melissa started her small business, she was maxing out her credit cards to pay for the expensive vet bills for her sweet dogs. Melissa’s small business has eased the financial burden, she no longer has to worry whether or not she can afford the vet bills. Melissa says “I like supporting other small business owners because I know that I am helping a family and not some huge corporation”. I personally have been able to pay for my son’s braces, purchased groceries, and made car payments from the incredible people who have shopped small with me.

#3. YOU Matter More

Small business owners know their customers. They know that your favorite color is blue, they know what jewelry tone is your favorite. Valerie Watkins, owner of Bea Dazzled You Accessories, knows her customers. Valerie knows me, she knows what jewelry pieces I would love and orders these pieces for me. Valerie says “Small businesses know and love their customers, and can provide a more personal customer service experience”. When was the last time you went in a big box store and the owner had an item specially ordered for you?

#4. Exclusive Products

When you shop small you’re often shopping products that are exclusive to the small business owner. For example, Olga Romero, owner of Three Little Owls uses her incredibly talented craftiness to make homemade items to add to her families income. You will not find the handmade items made from Olga’s two hands in a big box store!

#5. Community

Small businesses often work closely with one another to ensure the success of the entire small business community. Small businesses are not in competition with one another like other big box stores are. When you shop small you are contributing to the success of your entire community. Owners of small businesses are often leaders in their community and can unite a diverse group to create a sense of community. Meredith Heyrich, owner of Meredith’s Magnificent Gifts, is an incredible example of uniting fellow small business owners. Meredith is always cheering on other businesses and shopping small. Meredith knows when she shops with a small business, she is adding to the community and supporting a family. Meredith says “I started a direct sales Facebook group for other women just like me 2 years ago. I created this group so we could help each other and reach out with questions or ask for advice when needed. Had I not started in this industry, I never would have realized my potential nor would I have met the ladies I have met and realized how hard small business can be and how important it is to support small business.”

#6. Small Businesses Give back

I am the owner of Embracing The Curls. I absolutely love to use my business as a tool to give back to the community! I raised $4000 for Safe Harbor, a Domestic Violence Shelter for Woman and Children to purchase stuffed animals for the children in the shelter last December.  My daughter and I wanted each child to have something of their own to bring comfort.  These children often fled their homes with their mother to the safety of Safe Harbor’s shelters with nothing but the clothes on their back.  I knew I wanted to make a difference for these children.  We were able to donate 162 Finley the Fox stuffed animals to the shelters. This year my business is raising funds for Encourage & Inspire Bracelets for Survivors to provide bracelets with encouraging and inspirational messages to the survivors of sexual abuse at The Julie Valentine Center. I can not even put into words how great it feels to use my business to make a difference.

When you shop small, you are making a HUGE impact on your community! You are providing braces for a child, soccer team fees, car payments, groceries, power bills, every time you shop small! YOU are making a difference in your community just by shopping with a friend who owns their business. Your dollar matters to them. You matter to them. You matter to us.

Shop with Whitney Cline here
Shop with Leah Philhower here
Shop with Melissa Altman here
Shop with Valerie Watkins here
Shop with Olga Romero here
Shop with Meredith Heyrich here and here

What an honor to be featured on the Avon Insider Blog

Published by Whitney Cline

I am a wife, mom, friend, boss, mentor, makeup lover, leader, fighter, survivor, kind, loyal to a fault, driven, skincare junkie, reality tv junkie, full of self doubt, learning to love myself, sarcastic, unique, woman. Embracing who I am, one curl at a time.